Saturday, January 24, 2009

Alison is totally crazy about Nancy Drew & the Clue Crew

Ali has read almost all of the books in the Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew series. She's crazy about them, has us read them to her at bedtime, and then after we turn out the lights, she continues to read on her own. All of a sudden she's gone from the girl who can't sit still to the girl who curls up with a book. I asked her why she's able to sit so still when she reads to herself (she still can't sit still when someone is reading to her, she has to be bouncing around the room ...) She said that it's too difficult to read your book if you're moving around too much.

Andrew needs help

Andrew was sitting at the computer in the living room calling out for help. I thought he was falling out of the chair, or physically stuck or something. When I went over and asked him what was wrong, he started waving the mouse around madly and pointing at the screen where nothing was moving and then he said, "Look at the mouse. Can you see it? NO! That's why I need help." (Turns out the batteries had fallen out of the mouse)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Andrew talks to his books

Red was reading a book to Andrew. Andrew pointed at the kitten in the book and said, "Daddy, what's the kitten's name." Red said, "I don't know."

Not to be deterred, Andrew asked the name of a little girl in the book.

"Katie," Red replied.

So Andrew said, "Katie, what's the name of the kitten?"

And Red (in a Katie voice) said, "Freckles"

So Andrew said to Red, "Daddy, the kitten's name is Freckles"