Friday, April 30, 2010

Another Andrew Quote

Andrew: "Mommy, Samantha says I'm not cute"
Jennie: "Well, she's wrong, you're adorable"
Andrew: "Mmm hmmm"
Jennie: "You know what adorable means, right, it means you're super extra cute."
Andrew: "Well, I am the cutest one really in my class."
Jennie: "Mmm hmmm"
Andrew: "Yeah, really, I am."

Monday, April 19, 2010

Another March Andrew Quote

Another quote I noted back in March and never typed in. Andrew asked his stuffed dog what is the opposite of up and the dog "said", "woof." Which is indeed the opposite of up in dog language.

Andrew is a "song genius"

Back in March, Andrew said, "I'm actually a song genius."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Andrew Quote ...

"No Mom, it's just sometimes you're a horrible Mom," said Andrew (as I said "I'm a horrible mom" on the phone to another mom ...)

 (A minute later, when I said something about it, he said, "No really, mom, I'm right, you're only horrible sometimes.")