Sunday, April 15, 2012

Andrew Can't Decide

A couple of weeks ago we were playing a game of "Who Knew" in which you are given cards with random things listed on them and you have to rank them in order from favorite to least favorite. In one game, Andrew got the following cards (I noted them down and finally have gotten around to typing this):
  • Snakes
  • The color red
  • Bubble bath
  • Ping pong
Andrew said something like "Wow, this is so hard! They're all so great I can't decide which I like best!!"

The good day continued ...

For a variety of reasons I didn't  make it upstairs to bed until 2:00 this morning, when I discovered Ali reading - she said she couldn't sleep. So I got her to turn out the light and we chatted quietly for a bit to try and calm her down. While I was telling her that she was the best little girl in the whole world, she told me I was the best mom in the world ... other than herself when she becomes a mom :-)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"A good day to be a parent" or "A good parent today"

Andrew fell and hurt his thumb yesterday afternoon while "trying out his new sneakers [trainers]." We visited the pediatrician this morning who sent us for an x-ray (good news - no fracture!)

While Andrew and I were waiting I taught him to play hangman. I gave him some good puzzles, including "Andrew," "Star Wars," and "Harry Potter."

But the ones he did for me were just lovely:
  • I love you
  • You are a good mom
  • You are cool
  • I love mom and dad
Ahhh ...