Friday, July 27, 2007

Andrew Bed Time Routine

We brush and floss. Recently he started pursing his lips and not opening for his toothbrush (an electric Elmo brush) so I tapped on his lips and said "knock knock teeth." He thought this was the funniest thing ever, so I do this every night now and then he opens his mouth.

Then we read some books. Currently he always sits on his mini potty (!) in his bedroom, fully pajama'ed, while I read to him. He's very partial to the "bear hunt" book right now (that they also read at school). He loves to yell out "oh no" as I read "oh no" in the book.

While I'm reading the last book, I say "last time book" frequently. But when we finish reading it he inevitably has a mini-tantrum when I say no more. So I say "OK, I'll come back in a minute" and then 2 seconds later I ask if he wants me to put him to bed and he says "yes". I tuck him up, and then he decides to sit up. The last couple of nights I've left him flossing his duck's teeth (I forgot to mention, he loves the little flosser sticks and insists on keeping them with him in his room after he's done) and then reading duck a story.

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