Thursday, May 6, 2010

A New Story: "Hello Israel", by Alison

Today Alison brought home a story she wrote at school. I think it's just amazing.

1 comment:

Granny said...

This is a superb story, Ali! We have enjoyed it immensely. It has all the ingredients of a really good story; we become very interested in Al because her mood is described so well. We can identify with her feelings, and we want Hanukah to be talked about as much as Christmas. There is suspense in the story because we don't know how things will work out for Al; the words used are vivid - she 'murmurs' "I wish I could go to Israel" and we feel keenly that her own fesitval and all the joy of celebrating with others, seems a long way off.
Then, what makes a story so exciting! - the surprise comes; Ali is IN Israel! How wonderful! We feel her happiness as she sees the wonderful menorah with animals in the midst of all the exciting Hanukah gifts in the shop! Ali describes the animals with candle-holders on their heads so well that we can see it perfectly in our mind's eye- and it is indeed wonderful! The detail of the tall giraffe for the biggest candle is marvellous, and we are glad that Al decides to buy the dredel also.
The story appeals to our deepest emotions and our spirits are touched by her remembrance of what the dreidels at home are telling us; that a great miracle happened here.The powerful significance of the festival gives the scene great depth and meaning.
Another surprise comes quickly in to delight us after the discovery that this was all a dream - her Mom tells her that they are really going to Israel! There is a mystery because we don't know how this can happen right now, and then a marvellous resolution as Ali goes down into the kitchen and behold! The hannukeea with the animals! And the dreidel pronouncing that a Great Miracle happened here!
The story ends on a note of great joy, and leaves us feeling deeply contented and richly blessed.

What a wonderful gift you have, Ali! Congratulations on one of the very best stories that we have ever read!