Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Andrew read a book tonight!

Andrew is very pleased tonight because he read a whole book. Admittedly it only had 4 words in it (two names:"Mat" & "Sam", plus the words "on" and "Sat") but there's a plot and several pages and he read the whole thing! I'm pretty pleased too :-). It's a series of 12 little books: http://www.bobbooks.com/bob_books_set_1.php

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Alison's first computer program

Ali used "scratch" (scratch.mit.edu)  to write her first program. It's an animation called "wait up." She did it all by herself, and I wasn't allowed to peek until she was done. You can watch it here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/suny36/1391022