Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Andrew read a book tonight!

Andrew is very pleased tonight because he read a whole book. Admittedly it only had 4 words in it (two names:"Mat" & "Sam", plus the words "on" and "Sat") but there's a plot and several pages and he read the whole thing! I'm pretty pleased too :-). It's a series of 12 little books: http://www.bobbooks.com/bob_books_set_1.php

1 comment:

Granny said...

What a delightful piece of news! It is such a thrill when the first book is read; Andrew has stepped through the magical gateway of reading! May it be a joy to him all his life long!
Well done, Andrew; Congratulations!
We are delighted!
With fond love from Granny and Grandadxxxx