Monday, August 20, 2007

Alison visits her new school

Last Wednesday morning, Red, Alison, and I went to visit Marlton Elementary, Alison's new school. We loved it. We met with Mr. Feldman, her principal, in the library.

We were the first to arrive, and Alison helped Mr. Feldman carry some cups and pencils into the library.

The first thing he did was read a story to all of the children about an overenthusiastic principal who wanted to have school on weekends and holidays until a little girl said she needed to learn things outside of school too.

Then we went on a tour of the school (which is the newest one in the district -- it was built in 2000) and saw all of the first grade classrooms, along with the computer room, and art room, and music rooms (there's even a sound proof practice room!), and the gym. The entire tour Alison was skipping along next to Mr. Feldman up at the front of the group and was the first into each room.

Mr. Feldman told us about all sorts of things, including how children can choose to bring their lunch or buy it in the cafeteria. He said that pizza day was one of the most popular days. Later, when he asked if anyone had any questions, Ali asked what they put on their pizza! (She was pleased to hear that it was just cheese and sauce). Ali was the only child to ask questions (she actually asked another question -- what are the "specials" that they have. Each day of the week they have one special activity -- Art, Music, Library, Computers, and Gym.

Alison is very excited about going to her new school in September!

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