Sunday, September 2, 2007

Alison and School Supplies

Alison has been very excited about getting ready for school. She has a fancy new pack of colored pencils from Granny and Grandad that have her name on them that she is crazy about. And last week she and I went out (along with Andrew) to buy the things on the list her new teacher, Mrs. Menzel, asked that they bring to school. She got a pencil box, a fancy pillowcase (they need to bring a pillow in for reading time), a 3-ring binder (file), and some pocket folders (one in red to leave at school, and another with a "Hello Kitty" design to bring work home. She needed a couple of things we couldn't find at Target, so I went to Staples yesterday to try and finish up the list. Well, I succeeded in finding everything, but came home with that and more.

It all started when I saw a pink pencil box. For 50 cents. But I thought I couldn't buy that after we'd bought a perfectly good one the day before (also for about 50 cents). At very least, I didn't want to teach her that if you see something better you get to buy it too. But then it occurred to me that she's probably going to be doing most of her homework at the JCC where she's going to be in their Kidz Korner after-school program. So I thought "wouldn't it be a good idea for her to have some basic supplies in her backpack." Thus beyond the 50 cent pencil box, I bought her a small pair of kiddie scissors, a glue stick, a small ruler, a pack of small (washable!) magic markers, and a pencil sharpener. I presented it to her today and she was thrilled.

School starts next Thursday.

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