Thursday, November 15, 2007

Andrew can count!

Tonight at bedtime Andrew and I were reading a Noddy board book. It's 5 pages long and each page is about a number -- the first page is one, the second page is two, and so on.

I've known for a few weeks now that Andrew can count to two, maybe to three. A couple of times tonight he managed to count, essentially on his own, up to ten. Now the number four sounds a bit odd, but after four came a sequence that ended with something that sure rhymed with "eight, nine, ten" (and since his speech isn't normally that clear, anything that rhymes is pretty good!)

So I genuinely am more or less convinced that he can count to 10.

1 comment:

Granny said...

What exciting news this is - well done, Andrew! You will have a lot of fun now that you can count!