Thursday, November 15, 2007

Andrew is Blue's Clues boy!

Andrew is crazy about the show "Blue's Clues." The human star of the show always carries around his "handy dandy notebook." Andrew is mad about notebooks, we now have about 15 little 2-inch by 4 inch spiral-bound notebooks scattered around the house that he plays with. Periodically, we'll catch him playing "Blue's Clues" on his own. He'll be doing the dances that they do on the show, and singing the songs. It's all very cute.

1 comment:

Granny said...

It's lovely that Andrew is so fond of Blues Clues - it's such a delightful programme, and reminds us of happy viewing with Ali when she was Andrew's age! It is proving to be the inspiration for all kinds of imaginative games with the notebooks, isn't it? That's wonderful!