Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ali soccer -- which way is left?

Ali's coach told her that she was going to play left fullback at the game the other day. She walked out onto the field and then held her hands out in front of her (I think to check which side was left by seeing which thumb and index finger form the letter "L". ) Then she ran to her place.

Andrew roots for Ali at Soccer

Took Andrew to watch one of Ali's soccer games. He was cheering "Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali !!!" through the game :-)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Mathematical Riddle

My mom is spending the night. It's later than I'd like for them to go to bed, and so my Mom & I are rushing to get Andrew into his PJs and then mom is going to read to Andrew. Ali dances in the room while brushing her teeth and tells grandma a riddle: "A snail is trapped in a 10 foot well. Every day it climbs up 3 feet and then back down 2 feet. How many days until it gets out? I'll be back in a second to hear your answer" and she dances out the room.

Andrew stage whispers to my mom, "grandma, it's 7" (I don't think he understands, but he's heard Ali tell it 20 times now

(FYI - on day 7 it goes up 3 and then gets out before it drops down 2, get it?)).

Kids Flu Shot Notes - 9/25/09

Ali and Andrew got flu shots. They weren't as bad as they thought they'd be. I asked them to write notes to themselves saying that they weren't so bad so they could remember it later:

Andrew's note (dictated to me):
Dear Andrew,
I know the shot was quick, but I don't know why we had the flu shot.
Love, Andrew

Ali's Note (she wrote it)
Dear Ali,
A shot is not so bad any more if yo don't riggle. It's just a dot done!
Who fond out shots are not so bad