Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kids Flu Shot Notes - 9/25/09

Ali and Andrew got flu shots. They weren't as bad as they thought they'd be. I asked them to write notes to themselves saying that they weren't so bad so they could remember it later:

Andrew's note (dictated to me):
Dear Andrew,
I know the shot was quick, but I don't know why we had the flu shot.
Love, Andrew

Ali's Note (she wrote it)
Dear Ali,
A shot is not so bad any more if yo don't riggle. It's just a dot done!
Who fond out shots are not so bad

1 comment:

Granny said...

What a good idea to get Ali and Andrew to write / dictate their response to the 'flu shots - this was most interesting and we were impressed with their (as usual!) bright remarks!
Well done, Ali and Andrew! So glad that you will be free of flu this winter.