Thursday, December 2, 2010

A simple project was a big success

The other night after making marshmallow dreidels with Andrew I had some leftover melted chocolate in two colors. Not wanting to let it go to waste, I made homemade "gelt" (coins) by drawing each of the letters in Alison & Andrew's names out (backwards) on a piece of foil in one color of melted chocolate, and then covering that with a circle to form a coin in another color.

I didn't think much of it ... it was a really simple thing, took me 5 minutes to do. So I didn't even take a picture.

Tonight I gave them to the kids. And got high praise from Andrew:

"My gelt is the goodest chocolate I ever ate. It's so good!!"


1 comment:

Granny said...

What a brilliant idea; how thrilling for Ali and Andrew to each receive their personalized (and absolutely delicious) gelt!
How clever of you to write their names backwards!
Congratulations on a fantastically original idea for Chanuka - as well as the chocolate dreidels!
We are full of admiration; Good for You, Jennie - we think it's marvellous!
Chag Chanuka Sameach!