Friday, June 19, 2009

Alison's Writer's Notebook

Today was the last day of school and Ali brought home her "Writer's Notebook". In it she wrote a lot of cute stuff. Here are some of my favorites:

On the first day of school I was wairing pink. I colored a picher of a bear. I played with my firends from last year !!

I lik to eat rols from shoprite. When I go out I like to go with my mom. When Andrew dusint come I like to sit in the highe chairs. You can see out thou the windose.

10 good things about Andrew.
1. There is sumone to play when mom and dad is bisay
2. I love Andrew and he loves me.
3. Sumtimes when he gos out and gets sumthing he gets me sumthing too.
4. When he has sum cinde of toy he will shair most of the time
5. When I play a game I don't have to play it by my self.
6. Andrew is nice
7. Andrew is funny
8. Andrew is fun to play with.
9. He is the best brather.
10. He is cute.

My list of Favorite Foods
Vnilla ice cream
decrating donuts
spgetey with cechup
corn on the cod
soft Pretols
Soy Chips
apples with huney

On the 4 days off I had a sleepover. I had alot of fun. I watched a lot of tv. Soon it was time for diner me and my brother had pasta shapt like letters. After diner it was time for bed. In the morning we went ot my hebrew school. oops!! There isn't hebrew school today. Then we went shoping. Soon it was time to go home!!

Have you ever bin on a indoor Picnic? I have! In my house I have a door in the living room. On the other side there are screens to keep the bugs out . But air can come in. So it is just like being out side with out the bugs. We bring the table and chairs in after we move some of the stuf that is in there. Because we keep other thing in there. When we are set up we can finly eat. It is a lot of fun! If you never bin on a indoor picnic, you should try one!!

"I can win now I know it" I said. As I went back in the cort for the new game. I was in for about a minet And then I was out. Wehn I wated for the new game, I akst myself why do I always get out? When I got older I got beter at gaga. When I was about 4, 5, or 6 I won. Now I win all the time. And now gaga is my favorite sport. I like gaga because it is fun to hit and doge the ball. Have you ever tried gaga? Cas if you haveint you should try it.

to night is the first night of passover. And I get to lead the seader. I pick questchuns and a game. I tell all the page nubers. I say who leads what untill it is over. It will be very late and my mom will say "go strate to bed or you will be very cranky" but I won't go to bed! Ha ha.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Andrew: the trees are dancing

Yesterday it had been raining but had mostly stopped when Andrew and I went out for a walk. I thought I felt some rain and told him I thought it might be raining. But he said, no, the noise I heard was the wind blowing the trees, and the trees were dancing. And then he swayed his body back and forth like a dancing tree.

Andrew Describes Red

Daddy is the person who is always funny and sometimes tickles

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 06/02/09

At the top of the page is a picture of our car driving down the highway

Today I got up and then wacthed some TV. Then I packted [packed] and packted and packted. Then we went on the long journey back home. I'm so glad to be back home and to see my friends.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 06/01/09

The picture at the top of the page is of a flower shaped cookie with M&M candies all over it.

6-1-09 day 9

Today when I got up I wacted [watched] some TV. Then I went to the beach and Played and staed (stayed), Played and stayed played and stayed. I thought I [had] a big personal beach [before] but the beach today was huge. When we left for the beach in [it] was morning. When I left it was dinner time. After one of the best dinners ever [nothing special, but she was really hungry!], I ate a MEM cookey [cookie] and now I going to bed.