Monday, June 1, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 06/01/09

The picture at the top of the page is of a flower shaped cookie with M&M candies all over it.

6-1-09 day 9

Today when I got up I wacted [watched] some TV. Then I went to the beach and Played and staed (stayed), Played and stayed played and stayed. I thought I [had] a big personal beach [before] but the beach today was huge. When we left for the beach in [it] was morning. When I left it was dinner time. After one of the best dinners ever [nothing special, but she was really hungry!], I ate a MEM cookey [cookie] and now I going to bed.

1 comment:

Granny said...

A huge personal beach - fantastic!
Your long and happy day sounds blissful, Ali!
The sentence when you repeat 'played and stayed' sounds like a poem; I enjoyed it very much.
It sounds as if it flowed straight out of your head and on to the paper as it creates the leisurely feel of your lovely long day.
Congratulations, Ali, this is good writing.
It was great to read about your eating one of the best dinners ever! I liked that, and I can imagine the flower-shaped cookie with the M&M candies on it, very well.
Lots of love from Grannyxxxx