Thursday, June 18, 2009

Andrew: the trees are dancing

Yesterday it had been raining but had mostly stopped when Andrew and I went out for a walk. I thought I felt some rain and told him I thought it might be raining. But he said, no, the noise I heard was the wind blowing the trees, and the trees were dancing. And then he swayed his body back and forth like a dancing tree.

1 comment:

Granny said...

What a good description of the trees, Andrew! Yes, you are right; they do indeed look as if they are dancing as the wind blows through their branches.

(When your sister Ali was very young she said that the traffic lights on the way to the JCC were dancing as they bounced up and down in the wind. You are both very observant children, with a fine gift for language; Grandad and I enjoy hearing and reading what you have said very much!)
Lots of love from Grannyxxxx