Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 05/31/09

At the top of the page is a picture of the flying tickets arcade game, with two tubes for arms to stick through and a million tickets flying all around. Ali had so much to write today, she had to add an extra page to her journal.

5-31-09 day 8

Today I went to teh Arcade again. A new game I played was a lot of fun, it is when tickits get blowen [blown] all over. There are two small back [black] tubes that you put your hands in and try to grab the ticks. I got nine the first time and seven the next time. That makes me get sixteen. My brouther got two tickits, so we have eighteen all toger [together]. Later me and my dad made lemonade with lemons, shoger, and water. Everyone loved it. But my brouther who didn't want to try it. My dad and Ant went home today. Now my mom will read me books and then I will go to bed.

1 comment:

Granny said...

This day sounds very interesting and full of fun, Ali!
Sixteen tickets in the flying tickets game is an excellent score, and Andrew did very well too, bringing your joint score up to eighteen - Well done!
The lemonade you made with your Dad must have been absolutely delicious! I read about a girl called Laura making it in "The Little House on the Prairie" and everyone loved it then, too. (Perhaps Andrew will give it a try when he is a bit older)
It must have been great having your Mum read books to you before bed - lovely!
This was such a good account of your day - Congratulations, Ali!

Lots of love from Grannyxxxx