Thursday, September 6, 2007

Andrew's Sick

Andrew's sick :-(

He was coughing all weekend. Red brought him to the doctor on Tuesday (Monday was Labor Day) and he was diagnosed with Croup. He's got a really nasty liquid medicine that he has to take and twice when he's taken it he immediately vomited :-(. I brought him to the doctor again today and the croup has apparently improved, but he's having some asthma symptoms now (the persistent cough can be asthma too). So we're using a nebulizer, and we've got a humidifier in his room, etc.

He wasn't really very well tonight -- a lot of coughing -- so I think I'm going to bring him to the doctor's yet again tomorrow morning. I'm also going to ask about a "quick dissolving pill" that the doctor mentioned today in place of the liquid that is so awful.

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