Sunday, September 2, 2007

I'm now a soccer mom

Friday night we had the first meeting of Ali's soccer team. This was just an introductory meeting, Ali's first practice/game is next Saturday.

There are 13 girls on the team, all are 6-years-old. Their uniform (!) consists of turquoise shirts and socks, plus shorts, etc. provided by the girls themselves. Cleats (studded shoes) are recommended and we bought some cheap ones at Walmart, along with some shin guards which are required. The shirts have numbers on the back; Alison asked for an even number -- she got number 10 which she likes. The shirts also have a picture of a dog on the front -- while we did have to pay to participate in the soccer program, it also has private sponsors and her team is apparently sponsored by a vet's office. One of the coaches told me that we had lucked out -- there's also a funeral home that sponsors a lot of teams. I think I'd prefer her to have a dog on her shirt!!

Ali has soccer every Saturday for the next few months. The time varies from day to day. Apparently they have 20 minutes of practice followed by a 40 minute game (4 10-minute quarters). Four girls play in a game, and the team plays two games simultaneously against other teams. Should be fun!!

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