Thursday, September 27, 2007

Glove Puppets, Names, A visit to the zoo

A couple of bits of old news, mostly about Andrew, that I haven't had a chance to blog.

1) Alison made (well, colored in) a tiger glove puppet at camp last year. Andrew is crazy about it. Frequently at night (tonight was no exception) they sit in Ali's room taking turns. Ali puts it on, and says, "Hmmm ... Andrew ... " and starts the puppet either eating or kissing Andrew's leg. Then Andrew says "Do do turn" and he says, "Hmmm ... Eeya ..." and bites (or kisses) her back.

2) Once in a while Andrew calls himself "Do-Drew" now. And I'm occasionally Mommy not Mama, and Red is occasionally Daddy not Dada. Ali is still Eeya

3) We went to the zoo last weekend. Andrew was totally entranced by the animals. He knew lots of them from books, but mostly books with cartoon versions of them and I think he was surprised to see what the real animals look like. The first animal we encountered at the zoo is a kind of Dr. Zeuss creature, stripes on the lower half of its body like a zebra, but other parts that look very different. Andrew pointed and said "dee-brah"

1 comment:

Granny said...

What lovely stories about Alison and Andrew - we are so enjoying them!
The tiger glove puppet game sounds wonderful!
Do-Drew sounds very like Andrew - well done, Andrew, that's excellent!
The zoo story was most entertaining; we could just see it all! Andrew must have been surprized to encounter the real versions of his cartoon animals!
Dee-brah is unmistakably zebra, isn't it - well done, Andrew!