Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Peee peee"

I've just come down from visiting Andrew, who is, as usual, still awake in his room. It's been a busy day. The JCC is closed today for Sukkot, so he and I were at home together all day. I've been cleaning a lot in preparation for our party on Saturday.

Andrew had been quiet for a while (half an hour? Maybe more?) when he suddenly began yelling "pee pee, pee pee" incessantly and insistently and quite loudly. I figured he wanted a new diaper, so I went upstairs. But no. He was naked from the waist down, and was pointing at his little potty (the downstairs one that I'd brought up and dumped in his room rather than leave it out during the party) and sure enough, he'd done a pee-pee in the potty. As a reward, I let him help me dispose of it and flush the toilet (something he really enjoys these days). He was very pleased. I'm just confused. Do we start toilet training? Or is it too early. I think for now, we'll just let him lead the way. I don't want to ask daycare to start emphasizing it and have it take all the fun out of this new game.

1 comment:

Granny said...

Well done, Andrew - you won't have any trouble at all with "potty training" - you are a clever boy!