Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 05/27/09

At the top of the page is a picture of Alison sitting with Mommy & Daddy in the gazebo at the end of the boardwalk. There's what I think is an enormous wave in the background. Ali wrote this at around 10:30 at night, she was exhausted, having slept for a couple of hours and then been woken up for her requested night walk on her birthday.

5-27-09 day 4

Today is my birthday!! [There's a smile at the bottom of the two explanation points] I to much to write about so I'm just goinig to say, I liked the water ice I had all of my prents [presents] and at end of the day really really late I had a walk on the bordwack [boardwalk].

1 comment:

Granny said...

Your late night board walk sounds a really good way to end a very good birthday, Ali - well done!
The picture you made of yourself with Mommy and Daddy in the gazebo with the sea behind you sounds terrific! Your class mates are going to enjoy this when you take it in to school!
Love from Grannyxxxx