Thursday, May 28, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 05/28/09

At the top of the page is a very happy Ali playing "kerplunk" -- a game where 25 or 30 thin sticks support a pile of marbles in a tube. You pull out sticks and hope that the marbles don't fall.

5-28-09 day 5

Today I had another petsol [pretzel] for brekfist. We went to the beach, the waves were really wild so we didn't go in them. Later I got a preazint [present] from Abby, it was Ker Plunk. If you want to play it at indoor reses [recess] it is in the closit. [They have a games closet at school for days that they can't go outside during recess.] I also played sliperee an [slipery ann -- Red's getting her started on the English family game], war [another card game], and 11s [more cards]. I had three munshkins [mini-donuts] too. Now I am going to bed.

1 comment:

Granny said...

This sounds like another very successful day, Ali!
Kerplunk must be really good fun to play; what a great present from Abby!
The waves must have looked exciting, crashing on to the shore!
It was very interesting to hear that you had been playing Slippery Ann - Grandad used to love playing cards when he was young (and he still does!) Lots of love from Grannyxxxx