Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 05/30/09

At the top of the page is a picture of the "crocodile" game at the arcade, with crocodile heads sticking out of the machine at various distances.

5-30-09 day 7

Today my ant Abby came to our beach house. We went to the bordwalk arkayd. My favorite gam there is when alugaters come out of hols [holes] and you have to wack them with a cushne [cushion-ee] thing. I use my hands cazs [cause] its eszyer [easier]. Then we went home and had some chezits and soy chips. I also palyed [played] keplunk and cadoo. Now I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Granny said...

This day sounds like a really good day for games, with the crocodiles in the arcade and then kerplunk and cadoo - well done,Ali!
I thought that in America cushions were called pillows, so it was particularly interesting to see your reference to a cushion-ee thing. However, I can imagine that using your hands would be very successful!
Lots of love from Grannyxxxx