Friday, May 29, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 05/29/09

At the top of the page is a picture of a big shovel and a big hole in the sand.

Today we went to the beach again. Mom made a boat and Daddy made a hole to water. [The hole was deep enough to reach the water] The ocean was more wild than yesterday. I had the biggest personol beach ever. Then we came home ate lunch. After that I wacthed [watched] some TV. Next I had dinner and now I'm going to go to bed.

1 comment:

Granny said...

This is great, Ali, especially the sentence "The ocean was more wild than yesterday." I could just imagine the waves breaking and rushing up the beach.
You describe things very well; you always have, since you were first able to talk!
Lots of love from Grannyxxxx

PS Your Mommy and Daddy did well didn't they? The boat and the deep hole sound like good work!!