Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Alison's Travel Journal 05/26/09

Today's picture is very elaborate. There is a long sidewalk with two clouds over it and lots of rain. Alison is on her scooter at the front of the sidewalk with Red, and Andrew and Jennie are following a good way back. Ali pointed out that she's drawn me in a dress ("I always draw you in a dress, even though you weren't wearing one and it was so windy today")

5-26-09 day 3

Today it rained really hard. In the rain I went for a scoot on my raser. [razor is the brand name for her scooter] And my brouther went on his scooter, my mom and dad walked. We went to WAwa [a local convenience store] and got two presols [soft pretzels]. My presol was the first thing I ate today. My brouther had his right away, but I waited untill we got home so I could warm it up for ten secons. The I wated [watched] Marry Popins. Guss wha is tomoiro?[Guess what is tomorrow?]


Granny said...

Congratulations, Alison! Your picture sounds wonderful, and your description of your visit to WAwa with Andrew and your mom and dad was very interesting.
We could imagine you and Andrew with your scooters; it sounds great!

A favourite of ours from Mary Poppins is Chim-chiminney, Chim-chiminney, Chim Chim Cheree....!

Yes we know what day it is tomorrow: May 27th; your BIRTHDAY and you are EIGHT!!!!

Lots of love Granny and Grandadxxxxxxxx

Grandad said...

Happy birthday Ali. It sound that you are having a good time in Avalon - visiting the beach, scooter riding and buying pretzels.
We are looking forward to reading more of your travelogue and hopefully see some of your pictures!
Love from Grandad