Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ali soccer -- which way is left?
Ali's coach told her that she was going to play left fullback at the game the other day. She walked out onto the field and then held her hands out in front of her (I think to check which side was left by seeing which thumb and index finger form the letter "L". ) Then she ran to her place.
Andrew roots for Ali at Soccer
Took Andrew to watch one of Ali's soccer games. He was cheering "Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali !!!" through the game :-)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Mathematical Riddle
My mom is spending the night. It's later than I'd like for them to go to bed, and so my Mom & I are rushing to get Andrew into his PJs and then mom is going to read to Andrew. Ali dances in the room while brushing her teeth and tells grandma a riddle: "A snail is trapped in a 10 foot well. Every day it climbs up 3 feet and then back down 2 feet. How many days until it gets out? I'll be back in a second to hear your answer" and she dances out the room.
Andrew stage whispers to my mom, "grandma, it's 7" (I don't think he understands, but he's heard Ali tell it 20 times now
(FYI - on day 7 it goes up 3 and then gets out before it drops down 2, get it?)).
Andrew stage whispers to my mom, "grandma, it's 7" (I don't think he understands, but he's heard Ali tell it 20 times now
(FYI - on day 7 it goes up 3 and then gets out before it drops down 2, get it?)).
Kids Flu Shot Notes - 9/25/09
Ali and Andrew got flu shots. They weren't as bad as they thought they'd be. I asked them to write notes to themselves saying that they weren't so bad so they could remember it later:
Andrew's note (dictated to me):
Dear Andrew,
I know the shot was quick, but I don't know why we had the flu shot.
Love, Andrew
Ali's Note (she wrote it)
Dear Ali,
A shot is not so bad any more if yo don't riggle. It's just a dot done!
Who fond out shots are not so bad
Andrew's note (dictated to me):
Dear Andrew,
I know the shot was quick, but I don't know why we had the flu shot.
Love, Andrew
Ali's Note (she wrote it)
Dear Ali,
A shot is not so bad any more if yo don't riggle. It's just a dot done!
Who fond out shots are not so bad
Thursday, September 24, 2009
President of the World
Andrew asked who was president of the world today. I told him there wasn't one. His response, "If there's no president of the world, then who would give the people in the world food if they're hungry?"
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Alison's Letter About 3rd Grade
Tuesday night I went to "back to school" night in Ali's classroom where I got to meet her teacher and hear a bit about what the class is doing at school. Each child had written a letter to their parent(s) during the school day. Here's Ali's letter -- apparently she *really* likes her new teacher. I like him too.

Monday, September 14, 2009
Rabbi Frankel is Everywhere
After dropping Ali off at her Hebrew School Class on Sunday morning, Andrew wanted to play at the Lego Table they have sitting in the hallway. Our new Rabbi, Rabbi Frankel, was wandering up and down the halls visiting classrooms, and she came over to chat with Andrew.
After the chat, she went past us a few more times, each time Andrew pointed her out. The last time I said, "Look, there's Rabbi Frankel again" to which Andrew replied: "Her is everywhere, her said so!"
After the chat, she went past us a few more times, each time Andrew pointed her out. The last time I said, "Look, there's Rabbi Frankel again" to which Andrew replied: "Her is everywhere, her said so!"
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Andrew's Joke
Andrew made a joke yesterday, we'd just finished playing "Pretty pretty Princess" (a board game) and were putting away all the different pieces of Jewelry.
He said:
"First I'm going to put away the pink [jewelry] because I was pink. Then I'm going to put away the purple because you were purple. Then I'm going to put away the blue because no one was blue. Then I'm going to put away the yellow because no one was yellow. Then I'm going to put on the lid [of the box] because no one was the lid."
He and I both thought this was really funny.
He said:
"First I'm going to put away the pink [jewelry] because I was pink. Then I'm going to put away the purple because you were purple. Then I'm going to put away the blue because no one was blue. Then I'm going to put away the yellow because no one was yellow. Then I'm going to put on the lid [of the box] because no one was the lid."
He and I both thought this was really funny.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Alison's Passover Questions
Very old stuff that I never posted that's from last Passover:
Ali (who's almost 8) usually can't sit still for more than 2 seconds, and I thought I might make it easier for her this year by asking her if she would be willing to lead the seder (it was just us, my parents, and Abby) -- I'd make up a spreadsheet of what to do when, but she's in charge of asking different people to read, leading the songs, etc. She loved the idea. I upped the ante slightly by saying she had to pick among some of the questions in the "family haggadah" we have for discussion during the seder. She said she didn't want to do that, she wanted to make up her own. So here is her list of questions:
For all of the questions I'm going to ask tonight there is no right or wrong answer. Also, if you can't think of an answer you can say "pass" and we'll come back to you. Finish this sentence: "I like this seder because …."
Ali (who's almost 8) usually can't sit still for more than 2 seconds, and I thought I might make it easier for her this year by asking her if she would be willing to lead the seder (it was just us, my parents, and Abby) -- I'd make up a spreadsheet of what to do when, but she's in charge of asking different people to read, leading the songs, etc. She loved the idea. I upped the ante slightly by saying she had to pick among some of the questions in the "family haggadah" we have for discussion during the seder. She said she didn't want to do that, she wanted to make up her own. So here is her list of questions:
For all of the questions I'm going to ask tonight there is no right or wrong answer. Also, if you can't think of an answer you can say "pass" and we'll come back to you. Finish this sentence: "I like this seder because …."
- Why do you think that Moses wasn't scared to go up and demand his people's freedom?
- How would you explain Passover to all four children at the same time?
- Leaving Egypt was exciting and sad. Which would you feel: more happy or sad and would you like to explain (but you don't have to)
- What is your favorite symbol on the seder plate?
- Why do you think we wash our hands twice?
- These symbols stand for bitterness and cement. Why do we put the bitterness and cement together?
- Do you think Elijah likes coming to everyone's house and does he have a straw or not?
- Israel is a happy place. Would you like to live there?
Old Andrew Stories
Some old stories I don't think I ever posted
1) I asked Andrew to hold something for me, and he said "I can't hold it because I don't have 3 hands!" (obviously he already had something in each of his hands already)
2) Andrew asked me what a big sign over a store said. I told him it said "fine jewelry." He said, "Oh, so you go in and if you find it you get a prize?" (He thought the sign said "Find Jewelry"
1) I asked Andrew to hold something for me, and he said "I can't hold it because I don't have 3 hands!" (obviously he already had something in each of his hands already)
2) Andrew asked me what a big sign over a store said. I told him it said "fine jewelry." He said, "Oh, so you go in and if you find it you get a prize?" (He thought the sign said "Find Jewelry"
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I'm in the kitchen. Andrew is in the living room with the TV on.
Andrew: *** MOMMY!!!***
Me: Andrew, 'tell not yell' (my new catchphrase)
Andrew: "Mommy, I need you"
Me: (trying to cut up a peach for Ali) "Andrew, is it an emergency, or can you wait a minute?"
Andrew: "I really need your help now"
So I walk into the living room and look across the top of the couch for him.
Me: "Andrew, what's up"
Andrew: "Mommy, I'm here. My head is stuck in the couch."
Indeed it is, sort of. He's pulled the cushion off, put his head in the space, and somehow managed to get the cushion back in.
So much for "tell, not yell"
Andrew: *** MOMMY!!!***
Me: Andrew, 'tell not yell' (my new catchphrase)
Andrew: "Mommy, I need you"
Me: (trying to cut up a peach for Ali) "Andrew, is it an emergency, or can you wait a minute?"
Andrew: "I really need your help now"
So I walk into the living room and look across the top of the couch for him.
Me: "Andrew, what's up"
Andrew: "Mommy, I'm here. My head is stuck in the couch."
Indeed it is, sort of. He's pulled the cushion off, put his head in the space, and somehow managed to get the cushion back in.
So much for "tell, not yell"
Friday, June 19, 2009
Alison's Writer's Notebook
Today was the last day of school and Ali brought home her "Writer's Notebook". In it she wrote a lot of cute stuff. Here are some of my favorites:
On the first day of school I was wairing pink. I colored a picher of a bear. I played with my firends from last year !!
I lik to eat rols from shoprite. When I go out I like to go with my mom. When Andrew dusint come I like to sit in the highe chairs. You can see out thou the windose.
10 good things about Andrew.
1. There is sumone to play when mom and dad is bisay
2. I love Andrew and he loves me.
3. Sumtimes when he gos out and gets sumthing he gets me sumthing too.
4. When he has sum cinde of toy he will shair most of the time
5. When I play a game I don't have to play it by my self.
6. Andrew is nice
7. Andrew is funny
8. Andrew is fun to play with.
9. He is the best brather.
10. He is cute.
My list of Favorite Foods
Vnilla ice cream
decrating donuts
spgetey with cechup
corn on the cod
soft Pretols
Soy Chips
apples with huney
On the 4 days off I had a sleepover. I had alot of fun. I watched a lot of tv. Soon it was time for diner me and my brother had pasta shapt like letters. After diner it was time for bed. In the morning we went ot my hebrew school. oops!! There isn't hebrew school today. Then we went shoping. Soon it was time to go home!!
Have you ever bin on a indoor Picnic? I have! In my house I have a door in the living room. On the other side there are screens to keep the bugs out . But air can come in. So it is just like being out side with out the bugs. We bring the table and chairs in after we move some of the stuf that is in there. Because we keep other thing in there. When we are set up we can finly eat. It is a lot of fun! If you never bin on a indoor picnic, you should try one!!
"I can win now I know it" I said. As I went back in the cort for the new game. I was in for about a minet And then I was out. Wehn I wated for the new game, I akst myself why do I always get out? When I got older I got beter at gaga. When I was about 4, 5, or 6 I won. Now I win all the time. And now gaga is my favorite sport. I like gaga because it is fun to hit and doge the ball. Have you ever tried gaga? Cas if you haveint you should try it.
to night is the first night of passover. And I get to lead the seader. I pick questchuns and a game. I tell all the page nubers. I say who leads what untill it is over. It will be very late and my mom will say "go strate to bed or you will be very cranky" but I won't go to bed! Ha ha.
On the first day of school I was wairing pink. I colored a picher of a bear. I played with my firends from last year !!
I lik to eat rols from shoprite. When I go out I like to go with my mom. When Andrew dusint come I like to sit in the highe chairs. You can see out thou the windose.
10 good things about Andrew.
1. There is sumone to play when mom and dad is bisay
2. I love Andrew and he loves me.
3. Sumtimes when he gos out and gets sumthing he gets me sumthing too.
4. When he has sum cinde of toy he will shair most of the time
5. When I play a game I don't have to play it by my self.
6. Andrew is nice
7. Andrew is funny
8. Andrew is fun to play with.
9. He is the best brather.
10. He is cute.
My list of Favorite Foods
Vnilla ice cream
decrating donuts
spgetey with cechup
corn on the cod
soft Pretols
Soy Chips
apples with huney
On the 4 days off I had a sleepover. I had alot of fun. I watched a lot of tv. Soon it was time for diner me and my brother had pasta shapt like letters. After diner it was time for bed. In the morning we went ot my hebrew school. oops!! There isn't hebrew school today. Then we went shoping. Soon it was time to go home!!
Have you ever bin on a indoor Picnic? I have! In my house I have a door in the living room. On the other side there are screens to keep the bugs out . But air can come in. So it is just like being out side with out the bugs. We bring the table and chairs in after we move some of the stuf that is in there. Because we keep other thing in there. When we are set up we can finly eat. It is a lot of fun! If you never bin on a indoor picnic, you should try one!!
"I can win now I know it" I said. As I went back in the cort for the new game. I was in for about a minet And then I was out. Wehn I wated for the new game, I akst myself why do I always get out? When I got older I got beter at gaga. When I was about 4, 5, or 6 I won. Now I win all the time. And now gaga is my favorite sport. I like gaga because it is fun to hit and doge the ball. Have you ever tried gaga? Cas if you haveint you should try it.
to night is the first night of passover. And I get to lead the seader. I pick questchuns and a game. I tell all the page nubers. I say who leads what untill it is over. It will be very late and my mom will say "go strate to bed or you will be very cranky" but I won't go to bed! Ha ha.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Andrew: the trees are dancing
Yesterday it had been raining but had mostly stopped when Andrew and I went out for a walk. I thought I felt some rain and told him I thought it might be raining. But he said, no, the noise I heard was the wind blowing the trees, and the trees were dancing. And then he swayed his body back and forth like a dancing tree.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Alison's Travel Journal 06/02/09
At the top of the page is a picture of our car driving down the highway
Today I got up and then wacthed some TV. Then I packted [packed] and packted and packted. Then we went on the long journey back home. I'm so glad to be back home and to see my friends.
Today I got up and then wacthed some TV. Then I packted [packed] and packted and packted. Then we went on the long journey back home. I'm so glad to be back home and to see my friends.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Alison's Travel Journal 06/01/09
The picture at the top of the page is of a flower shaped cookie with M&M candies all over it.
6-1-09 day 9
Today when I got up I wacted [watched] some TV. Then I went to the beach and Played and staed (stayed), Played and stayed played and stayed. I thought I [had] a big personal beach [before] but the beach today was huge. When we left for the beach in [it] was morning. When I left it was dinner time. After one of the best dinners ever [nothing special, but she was really hungry!], I ate a MEM cookey [cookie] and now I going to bed.
6-1-09 day 9
Today when I got up I wacted [watched] some TV. Then I went to the beach and Played and staed (stayed), Played and stayed played and stayed. I thought I [had] a big personal beach [before] but the beach today was huge. When we left for the beach in [it] was morning. When I left it was dinner time. After one of the best dinners ever [nothing special, but she was really hungry!], I ate a MEM cookey [cookie] and now I going to bed.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Alison's Travel Journal 05/31/09
At the top of the page is a picture of the flying tickets arcade game, with two tubes for arms to stick through and a million tickets flying all around. Ali had so much to write today, she had to add an extra page to her journal.
5-31-09 day 8
Today I went to teh Arcade again. A new game I played was a lot of fun, it is when tickits get blowen [blown] all over. There are two small back [black] tubes that you put your hands in and try to grab the ticks. I got nine the first time and seven the next time. That makes me get sixteen. My brouther got two tickits, so we have eighteen all toger [together]. Later me and my dad made lemonade with lemons, shoger, and water. Everyone loved it. But my brouther who didn't want to try it. My dad and Ant went home today. Now my mom will read me books and then I will go to bed.
5-31-09 day 8
Today I went to teh Arcade again. A new game I played was a lot of fun, it is when tickits get blowen [blown] all over. There are two small back [black] tubes that you put your hands in and try to grab the ticks. I got nine the first time and seven the next time. That makes me get sixteen. My brouther got two tickits, so we have eighteen all toger [together]. Later me and my dad made lemonade with lemons, shoger, and water. Everyone loved it. But my brouther who didn't want to try it. My dad and Ant went home today. Now my mom will read me books and then I will go to bed.
Alison's Travel Journal 05/30/09
At the top of the page is a picture of the "crocodile" game at the arcade, with crocodile heads sticking out of the machine at various distances.
5-30-09 day 7
Today my ant Abby came to our beach house. We went to the bordwalk arkayd. My favorite gam there is when alugaters come out of hols [holes] and you have to wack them with a cushne [cushion-ee] thing. I use my hands cazs [cause] its eszyer [easier]. Then we went home and had some chezits and soy chips. I also palyed [played] keplunk and cadoo. Now I'm going to bed.
5-30-09 day 7
Today my ant Abby came to our beach house. We went to the bordwalk arkayd. My favorite gam there is when alugaters come out of hols [holes] and you have to wack them with a cushne [cushion-ee] thing. I use my hands cazs [cause] its eszyer [easier]. Then we went home and had some chezits and soy chips. I also palyed [played] keplunk and cadoo. Now I'm going to bed.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Alison's Travel Journal 05/29/09
At the top of the page is a picture of a big shovel and a big hole in the sand.
Today we went to the beach again. Mom made a boat and Daddy made a hole to water. [The hole was deep enough to reach the water] The ocean was more wild than yesterday. I had the biggest personol beach ever. Then we came home ate lunch. After that I wacthed [watched] some TV. Next I had dinner and now I'm going to go to bed.
Today we went to the beach again. Mom made a boat and Daddy made a hole to water. [The hole was deep enough to reach the water] The ocean was more wild than yesterday. I had the biggest personol beach ever. Then we came home ate lunch. After that I wacthed [watched] some TV. Next I had dinner and now I'm going to go to bed.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Alison's Travel Journal 05/28/09
At the top of the page is a very happy Ali playing "kerplunk" -- a game where 25 or 30 thin sticks support a pile of marbles in a tube. You pull out sticks and hope that the marbles don't fall.
5-28-09 day 5
Today I had another petsol [pretzel] for brekfist. We went to the beach, the waves were really wild so we didn't go in them. Later I got a preazint [present] from Abby, it was Ker Plunk. If you want to play it at indoor reses [recess] it is in the closit. [They have a games closet at school for days that they can't go outside during recess.] I also played sliperee an [slipery ann -- Red's getting her started on the English family game], war [another card game], and 11s [more cards]. I had three munshkins [mini-donuts] too. Now I am going to bed.
5-28-09 day 5
Today I had another petsol [pretzel] for brekfist. We went to the beach, the waves were really wild so we didn't go in them. Later I got a preazint [present] from Abby, it was Ker Plunk. If you want to play it at indoor reses [recess] it is in the closit. [They have a games closet at school for days that they can't go outside during recess.] I also played sliperee an [slipery ann -- Red's getting her started on the English family game], war [another card game], and 11s [more cards]. I had three munshkins [mini-donuts] too. Now I am going to bed.
Andrew on Vacation
I'm just asking Andrew what he likes about our vacation. Here is what he said:
- I like digging
- I like walking in the ocean
- I also like picking apples (we didn't do that this trip, but we went apple picking last fall.
- I like going to the beach
- I like going to Avalon
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Alison's Travel Journal 05/27/09
At the top of the page is a picture of Alison sitting with Mommy & Daddy in the gazebo at the end of the boardwalk. There's what I think is an enormous wave in the background. Ali wrote this at around 10:30 at night, she was exhausted, having slept for a couple of hours and then been woken up for her requested night walk on her birthday.
5-27-09 day 4
Today is my birthday!! [There's a smile at the bottom of the two explanation points] I to much to write about so I'm just goinig to say, I liked the water ice I had all of my prents [presents] and at end of the day really really late I had a walk on the bordwack [boardwalk].
5-27-09 day 4
Today is my birthday!! [There's a smile at the bottom of the two explanation points] I to much to write about so I'm just goinig to say, I liked the water ice I had all of my prents [presents] and at end of the day really really late I had a walk on the bordwack [boardwalk].
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Alison's Travel Journal 05/26/09
Today's picture is very elaborate. There is a long sidewalk with two clouds over it and lots of rain. Alison is on her scooter at the front of the sidewalk with Red, and Andrew and Jennie are following a good way back. Ali pointed out that she's drawn me in a dress ("I always draw you in a dress, even though you weren't wearing one and it was so windy today")
5-26-09 day 3
Today it rained really hard. In the rain I went for a scoot on my raser. [razor is the brand name for her scooter] And my brouther went on his scooter, my mom and dad walked. We went to WAwa [a local convenience store] and got two presols [soft pretzels]. My presol was the first thing I ate today. My brouther had his right away, but I waited untill we got home so I could warm it up for ten secons. The I wated [watched] Marry Popins. Guss wha is tomoiro?[Guess what is tomorrow?]
5-26-09 day 3
Today it rained really hard. In the rain I went for a scoot on my raser. [razor is the brand name for her scooter] And my brouther went on his scooter, my mom and dad walked. We went to WAwa [a local convenience store] and got two presols [soft pretzels]. My presol was the first thing I ate today. My brouther had his right away, but I waited untill we got home so I could warm it up for ten secons. The I wated [watched] Marry Popins. Guss wha is tomoiro?[Guess what is tomorrow?]
Alison's Travel Journal 05/25/09
At the top of the page is a picture of a bucket and a shovel
5-25-09 day 2
Today we went to the beach. The water was cold! When we came home everyone needed a bath. I was so sandy that the bath turned into my own personal beach! Then I watched some TV. After that I did a princess puzzle. And now I'm going to bed.
5-25-09 day 2
Today we went to the beach. The water was cold! When we came home everyone needed a bath. I was so sandy that the bath turned into my own personal beach! Then I watched some TV. After that I did a princess puzzle. And now I'm going to bed.
Alison's Travel Journal 05/24/09
At the top of the page is a picture of a road with a car on it. There is a bike on top of the car. Mom is in the front seat, and Alison & Andrew are in the back (Red drove down on his own)
5-24-09 day 1
Today we drove to Avalond. I had to go to the bathroom when we go there, because it took us about one hour and a half to get there. When we got there some of the things looked frermiller [familiar] as soon as I saw them, because this is the same beach house as last year. I missted [missed] Avlond and my beach house a lot! I'm glad to be back.
5-24-09 day 1
Today we drove to Avalond. I had to go to the bathroom when we go there, because it took us about one hour and a half to get there. When we got there some of the things looked frermiller [familiar] as soon as I saw them, because this is the same beach house as last year. I missted [missed] Avlond and my beach house a lot! I'm glad to be back.
Alison's Travel Journal (Avalon May/June 2009)
Ali's teachers Mrs. Francesco & Mrs. Jennings gave her a blank "travel journal" to keep while she's on vacation. The instructions are:
Write about your trip in this travel journal. Add pictures or illustrations to each entry page. When you return to school you will be sharing this journal with your classmates. Have an enjoyable time.
Ali is writing one page or so each night before bed. In the posts that follow, I'll copy the entries (including any and all unique spellings). You won't see the pictures or the handwriting, but I'm not sure I'll have the energy to scan it all when we get back, so I figured I should do this now!
Write about your trip in this travel journal. Add pictures or illustrations to each entry page. When you return to school you will be sharing this journal with your classmates. Have an enjoyable time.
Ali is writing one page or so each night before bed. In the posts that follow, I'll copy the entries (including any and all unique spellings). You won't see the pictures or the handwriting, but I'm not sure I'll have the energy to scan it all when we get back, so I figured I should do this now!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Ali can make it snow
According to Ali, if you wear your pajamas inside-out and put a spoon under your pillow it will make it snow. With a forecast of 8-12 inches tonight, I think Ali's going to make it happen.
Andrew and tzedaka
I asked Andrew if he wanted to bring Tzedaka on Friday to school (since I always forget).
He said no, because he didn't have any peepee in his body. He said that you have to go peepee after you give tzedaka.
Eventually I got the story straight. Right after tzedaka, they go to the imaginarium, so it's part of the routine to go to the bathroom then. But even after assuring Andrew that there was no connection, he didn't want to do tzedaka
He said no, because he didn't have any peepee in his body. He said that you have to go peepee after you give tzedaka.
Eventually I got the story straight. Right after tzedaka, they go to the imaginarium, so it's part of the routine to go to the bathroom then. But even after assuring Andrew that there was no connection, he didn't want to do tzedaka
Castle building
Andrew brought red some lego and said
"I've brought you this daddy, it's a castle, in case you need it"
"I've brought you this daddy, it's a castle, in case you need it"
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Alison is totally crazy about Nancy Drew & the Clue Crew
Ali has read almost all of the books in the Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew series. She's crazy about them, has us read them to her at bedtime, and then after we turn out the lights, she continues to read on her own. All of a sudden she's gone from the girl who can't sit still to the girl who curls up with a book. I asked her why she's able to sit so still when she reads to herself (she still can't sit still when someone is reading to her, she has to be bouncing around the room ...) She said that it's too difficult to read your book if you're moving around too much.
Andrew needs help
Andrew was sitting at the computer in the living room calling out for help. I thought he was falling out of the chair, or physically stuck or something. When I went over and asked him what was wrong, he started waving the mouse around madly and pointing at the screen where nothing was moving and then he said, "Look at the mouse. Can you see it? NO! That's why I need help." (Turns out the batteries had fallen out of the mouse)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Andrew talks to his books
Red was reading a book to Andrew. Andrew pointed at the kitten in the book and said, "Daddy, what's the kitten's name." Red said, "I don't know."
Not to be deterred, Andrew asked the name of a little girl in the book.
"Katie," Red replied.
So Andrew said, "Katie, what's the name of the kitten?"
And Red (in a Katie voice) said, "Freckles"
So Andrew said to Red, "Daddy, the kitten's name is Freckles"
Not to be deterred, Andrew asked the name of a little girl in the book.
"Katie," Red replied.
So Andrew said, "Katie, what's the name of the kitten?"
And Red (in a Katie voice) said, "Freckles"
So Andrew said to Red, "Daddy, the kitten's name is Freckles"
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